Where to Purchase a Kodiak M2

The Kodiak revolutionized the portable texture sprayer world when it came on the scene in the 1990s. It brought the power of a big rig rotor stator pump to a smaller, portable unit. And its size is not the only thing that makes it portable; it is electric powered and only requires a 110V outlet, giving you flexibility with your power source.

In addition, the Kodiak’s 16 gallon hopper places its capacity at the top end of portable units, making it easier to feed a large amount of material in and spray without interruptions.

Rotor stator pumps are highly capable and using one on the Kodiak allows it to pump more than just drywall texture. Other common uses include pumping chinking for log homes, fireproofing (like Monokote MK-6), and EIFS materials like Sherwin-Williams Ultracrete.

The Kodiak M2 is the second generation of this unique texture sprayer and it has been in production for over 20 years.


First Generation Kodiak M-1000 Still in Action After 25 Years


Where to purchase a Kodiak M2

Numerous retailers carry the Kodiak M2 including some nationwide suppliers. You can get your Kodiak from one of these dealers or purchase direct.

American Spray Technologies is located in Auburn, Washington. If you are located near Auburn you are welcome to stop in to purchase a Kodiak. You can also call 877-833-4342 to purchase and arrange shipping.

Another option is to purchase from a dealer. Most dealers will ship or can have the Kodiak shipped to the store. Clicking any of the links below will take you to the dealers’ website where you can learn more about how to purchase a Kodiak from them.



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